
Personal Intercession Sessions

candles, faith, reflection

Through her 25 years of experience in the Christian spiritual realm, Grace has seen the Holy Spirit move in a variety of ways. From intercession to spiritual warfare to the manifestation of physical signs and wonders. Grace has the gift of discernment of spirits and the ability to feel/sense the spiritual atmosphere.

She continues to grow in the understanding of the relationship between who God the Father is and who we are to Him; the sacrifice and price Jesus paid that we might be with Him forever in eternity; and how to live in the strength and power of the Holy Spirit.

Grace is not a trained or licensed “counselor.” The sessions are not counseling sessions even though it might look like it.

Grace received intercessory training from Arise!Worship in the Dallas, Texas area, and Encounter Ministries in Michigan. She is a trained and experienced intercessor and a great listener. She will intercede for your concern and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal what needs to happen to bring clarity, freedom and peace.

During the session, she will take notes and deliver pertinent notes to your email address for you to contintue to pray about. All information about you and your session will remain confidential.

Having experienced physical healing and emotional freedom herself, her deepest desire is for everyone to experience the peace that comes from someone praying for you.

One (1) 90-minute session via Zoom, complete with prayer notes–$80.00 paid by CashApp, Zelle, or Venmo