Rewire Your Brain

mindset, mindfulness, meditation

This post is a continuation of “Praying for Your Kids.

Before I go on, I want to say that for those who require medication to assist in controlling thoughts or emotions, there is no shame in that. There is definite science that supports the use of medications and the Lord has been kind enough to give knowledge and understanding to people to use science to create medications to help with such issues. I think it was Jeannie Gaffigan who said something to the effect of, “God loves science. He created it.”

There is further science for the rewiring of the brain even though it almost sounds like science fiction. I first heard of rewiring neural pathways in January Donovan’s video.  

Several of the significant people in my youth and adult life often lived life from a place of fear. So, it was a big part of my life without me even realizing it. However, the more I learned that the role fear plays in the spiritual realm, the more I saw it in myself and those around me, and I began to purposely act against it. This has turned out to be a life-long journey becoming increasingly free from its rule.

Rewiring the brain came to my attention several times in a matter of a couple of days. Other than January Donovan, I saw some other people talking about it and I figured if science could do it, I can pray for it.

So, I prayed for myself. I put my hands on my head and prayed in the name of Jesus that He rewire my brain. I imagined my brain as a map of streets with names. I prayed that the neural pathways that have been named fear and anxiety be renamed peace and joy. I imagined some of those pathways as dirt roads with well-worn ruts from many years of travel. I asked that these fear- and anxiety-worn pathways be filled in with peace and joy. I asked that the synapses that were used to firing in fear and anxiety be short-circuited and start firing in peace and joy. And that my brain to be washed in peace and joy.

I must have prayed for what felt like 10 or 15 minutes and by the time I was finished, I felt so different. I know that over the years of learning all the Lord has taught me, having had all the supernatural experiences He and I have had together, He has honored my desire to be free of fear and, with the help of these supernatural experiences, has removed fear from my life to a considerable degree. But this one experience was remarkable. I felt a marked difference, somewhat indescribable except to say I had an overwhelming sense of freedom and peace.

These experiences are not only for me. They are for all of us. Just start praying for your kids, and for yourself, while you’re at it. There is so much freedom that our Heavenly Father wants us to experience.

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