Spirit of Mammon

I turned into the upper middle-class neighborhood. Nice two-story houses with pristine lawns lined the clean streets. All very pleasant and respectable. I turned on one street then another, following the directions the woman gave me.

Suddenly, I started feeling funny. I was getting agitated. It was a subtle feeling that I didn’t really pay attention to as I tried not to get lost.

I needed this woman’s signature on a legal document, and this was the quickest way to get it. To make things easier, I volunteered to make the drive to get the signature we needed. If Mohammad won’t go to the mountain….

The development was large, and it took a while to finally get to the woman’s house. I rang the bell and a nice woman greeted me. After a few moments of pleasantries, she signed, and I left with paperwork in hand.

Now, my challenge was to retrace my steps to find my way out of the maze of streets.

The uneasy feeling increased in strength. It got so strong, I had to pull over. I glanced around wondering if I could see anything that might be amiss, but I saw nothing out of place. I closed my eyes, stilled myself and prayed, asking the Lord why I was feeling so uneasy.

That’s when I felt the answer. I don’t think I heard anything. It was more a silent thought but not really in my head, if that makes any sense. One word. Mammon.

The spirit of Mammon, the love of money. My eyes popped open. I looked around. I wasn’t particularly impressed by the size of homes or cars in the driveways or anything else that might indicate extraordinary amounts of wealth, but I guess that doesn’t matter.

It was hard for me to believe that a whole neighborhood could be influenced by one spirit to such a degree that it was palpable, and almost visible like a fog.

I put the car into gear, prayed a quick prayer of protection and drove out of there as quickly as I could. Once I was out of the development, I was out of the fog and all the uneasiness and agitation were gone.

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