Pentecost (continued)

dove, flight, flying

I continue in honor of Pentecost.
The following experience happened in a non-denominational congregation, but more than ever, we Catholics need to have more encounters with Him.

In 2007, my husband and I went to a non-denominational service. At the end, people were invited to come up for prayer and anyone in the congregation was “the prayer team” and allowed to pray for the many people who went forward.

Not trusting myself to hear Jesus’ heart for another person, I usually stayed in my seat enjoying the worship music until the end of the service.

This day I was sitting in the front row watching people come forward and wait, eyes closed, for someone to put their hand on their shoulder. Just as a kind of “what if,” I asked the Lord if there were someone for whom He wanted me to pray. I scanned the dozens of people standing in front of me facing the stage.

My eyes stopped on one very tall lady with long blonde hair and I heard a phrase in my head.

“It’s not your fault.”

I heard it several times before I had the nerve to go up to her.

I put my hand on her shoulder and prayed another moment, just to be sure. I heard the phrase again.

I got as close to her ear as my short stature could reach and I told her, “I just keep hearing, ‘It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault.” Then, “You did everything right,” came out of my mouth.

Before I knew it, she was in tears, sobbing deeply. I continued to pray for her as she wept. After several minutes, she smiled at me with her wet face and hugged me. I went back to my seat somewhat amazed at what had happened.

The Holy Spirit is so kind to use frail, unsure, broken people to work with Him to help frail, unsure and broken people.

Ask Him if He wants to use you.

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