Bless Your Children 2

Like a sparrow in its flitting, like a swallow in its flying,
So a curse without cause does not come. ~Proverbs 26:2

This post is the last in the series from “Praying for Your Kids.”

The enemy is very legalistic. Actually, the spiritual realm is very legalistic. There are ways that we allow the hand of the enemy to operate in our lives that we don’t understand why. Because we are usually not educated in those spiritual laws, we can break them without even knowing it. Words we say, things we do, objects we possess can all be ways we allow the enemy into to mess with our lives. This is a fact he takes full advantage of and then tells us that it’s no big deal.

Games like the Ouija board, tarot cards, or anything a medium would use are forms of sorcery and idolatry. Art or statues of images of other people or objects of worship are forbidden. Owning these things or participating in these activities is akin to having an affair and then telling your spouse that it didn’t mean anything. Oh, yes, it did! It may not have meant that much to you but it definitely means something to the one who loves you.

Likewise, it breaks God’s heart when we don’t allow ourselves to be loved completely by Him. It  also means that we don’t trust God’s kind and loving heart to provide for and lead us in the way that He sees fit, which is the best way for us. Only He knows what we really need, better than we possibly can, and certainly better than the one who hates us most ever would.

Further, those objects are doorways for the enemy to come in. Because they are used, intentionally or not, in a way that circumvents God’s sovereignty, it’s like opening the door and asking the devil to come into your house and make himself at home. Once inside, he can do whatever he wants.

Every now and then, it is good to go through one’s house looking for things that the Holy Spirit will point out that are displeasing to God and removing those things. Thereby sealing the door shut with the enemy on the outside.

If your children have these types of objects in your home, while those things might belong to them, the house belongs to you. This minor detail of ownership is a technicality that the enemy will overlook and will affect your life as well. You must destroy those things or simply throw them out.

Afterwards, cleanse the house with Holy Water, or better still have a priest come to bless the house and property.

By doing everything we can do to take away grounds for the enemy to plague our lives, we take away his right to have undue and unnecessary influence on us.

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