Chaplet of St Michael

This post is a continuation of Praying for Your Kids.”

When I first started learning about the spirit realm and the reality of spiritual warfare, I saw a demon around every bush. However, this is not exactly accurate or the primary way that they operate.

The devil prefers that we don’t even believe in his existence. He’s got free reign and takes full advantage of having us in his back pocket. He likes to make us think that our thoughts and feelings are our own, completely rational, completely right. We might not say it, but we believe that nobody has the lock on truth or what is right as well as we do. Meet Pride and Self-righteousness, a couple of my (and your) long-time companions I keep trying to ditch, but they don’t like to break up with anybody.

The only One who knows us better than the devil is God. God knows the depths of our hearts. He has the lock on what is true and right and what will in all reality make us happy and whole, living in peace, no matter our circumstances.

The devil, on the other hand, has been lying to us from our youngest days. He and the demons assigned to us twist our perceptions of truth and reality, causing misunderstanding and division with little to no effort.

It is only when we bring our minds and hearts to the Holy Spirit that we can start moving away from the enemy’s life-long lies that we have always believed are our own thoughts, beliefs, opinions and desires.

Because we are invoking the heavenly choirs of angels who are the only creatures who have been in the presence of the Truth of God from the beginning of time, the longer we pray the Chaplet of St. Michael, the more our minds and hearts will align with the truth of heaven. As one would use braces to straighten crooked teeth, the Truth of God untwists our dark and warped thoughts, bringing us into light and revelation of the knowledge of true love. Faulty beliefs can only lead to a deep-seated misery that nothing can satisfy. Truth can only bring true freedom to the depths of our souls, into our thoughts and therefore in our lives.

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