Praying for your kids

child, mother, daughter

I recently joined a women’s prayer group which meets every Wednesday to pray the Rosary for all our intentions. The first night I attended, there were a few women who asked for prayers for their grown children who were dealing with depression or other mental/emotional issue or stress. 

That night in my own prayer time before I went to bed, my mind was fixed on these intentions and I thought of the following suggestions which I emailed to all the ladies. In the next several posts, I will explain why I recommend these.

Here are some ways we can pray: 

1.       Chaplet of St. Michael—The major battlefield for Satan is the mind. This Chaplet asks the intercession of the choirs of Angels to bring our minds, hearts and intentions into alignment with the Spirit of God. Go to or App–>Video On Demand–>Rosaries and Prayers–>Chaplet of St. Michael 

2.       The Rosary—Sorrowful Mysteries, especially the Crowning with Thorns. Plead the Blood of Jesus which poured from the Crown of Thorns to cleanse and heal the mind. 

3.       Pray for the neurological pathways to be bathed in peace and joy, and to be rewired, rerouted to avoid fear, anxiety, or other faulty ways of thinking and behaving. No, I’m not making this up. (See January Donovan’s video:

4.       Get the book Deliverance Prayers for Laity. It has a lot of great prayers for lots of occasions. 

5.       Pray for the increased activity of their Guardian Angel. Also, any time you will be with your child, greet their guardian angel (not out loud). Pray in your spirit, just say hello and ask for his assistance. 

6.       Parents, bless your children with Holy Water every day. Begin by saying, “As the parent of  (name)  and with the parental authority given to me by God, and in the name of Jesus, Holy Spirit, I pray…” and then follow with something like “for a happy and fulfilling life of peace and joy and for (name) to know the desires of their heart put there by God and His purpose of (name’s) life.” You can use this prayer if it suffices, or specifically address what you know is going on. If you don’t see them every day, bless a photograph or an object of significance to them. Whether they live with you or not, if they have any of their possessions in your house that are profane or you feel are displeasing to God, THROW OUT THOSE OBJECTS! DO NOT give those things back to your children. Destroy them or just put them in the garbage. Those things could be part of the problem. 

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