Someone’s in the Cabin

The following story is a teaser of what will be coming soon.
This is one  in a compilation of stories that will be offered in a book.

I spent about a week with a hermit in Louisiana. All hermits must have some kind of work or ministry. One part of Sr. Theresa’s ministry is to host women on retreat. She has her dwelling where she lives on six acres off the road in a clearing in the trees.

Her Hermitage is basically one room with a separate bath and laundry room. Her kitchen, dining room and bedroom are all in a space of, I’m guessing 15’ x 15’. Next to her living area is her chapel, probably 15’ x 5’, complete with Tabernacle and Monstrance containing the Blessed Sacrament.

I woke up from my first night there, in tears, thinking that she has the perfect life. All alone with the Blessed Sacrament. My time with her convinced me that I have a hermit heart.

Her ministry to her guest consists of a separate cabin with a cot, a desk, mini-fridge, microwave and a bathroom. The 8’ x 8’ building sits tucked away in a niche in the trees with all the little critters one might expect to be in a forest.

On the third or fourth night I was there, after having dinner with Sr. Theresa, I headed for the cabin in the dark. Just as I opened the door and turned on the light, a little gecko scurried in. Earlier that day, a tiny frog had gotten in but, together Sr. Theresa and I managed to get him out. Tonight, I wouldn’t try to get the gecko out and give opportunity for some less desirable critter, to come in. But I didn’t want this one crawling in bed with me, so I told him to behave himself.

I woke about 3:30 AM. By 4:00, I was sure I wouldn’t go back to sleep. I got up to go to the bathroom and there he was—in front of the toilet! I stomped my foot to try to get him to move but he didn’t budge. I did my business trying not to step on him. I washed my hands and sat on the bed.

I opened my Bible to the ribbon where I had been reading in the book of Ecclesiastes. I finished reading the last few chapters, flipped the page and started reading the Song of Solomon (aka Song of Songs). I had read this book two or three times before, but this time it was as if Jesus was speaking the words directly to me; as if He were sitting in front of me, face to face. The intimate words stirred in my heart in a way unlike ever before. I wrote in my journal and went back to bed. 

When I woke a few hours later, I went to the bathroom and there he was. The gecko hadn’t moved from his position in front of the toilet. “Why are you still there?” I asked him.

He peered up at me as if to say, “I’m hungry.”

I didn’t want him dying in my cabin, so I prayed. I asked the Lord if He would have the gecko move to the door so that when I opened it, he could get out.

I brushed my teeth and got in the shower. I wasn’t sure when, but he did move. After about 20 minutes, I had the thought to go open the door. I didn’t see the gecko, but I opened the door anyway. He suddenly appeared from under the cot and scurried outside.

I closed the door and stood motionless for a few moments. I looked around the room feeling as if Jesus were in the room with me in a real and tangible way. I knelt and planted my face on the cot. I was humbled. Why would Jesus hear me? His love for me overwhelmed me.

It often amazes me when these things happen. Life has been so difficult with so many heartbreaks and disappointments. So, at those times when the Lord moves when I ask, I am surprised, and humbled. Who am I? Nobody. But He loves me anyway. And I can’t help but love Him back.

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