It Started with a Wasp

supernatural, wasp

Genesis 1:26-28 first gripped me in the late 1990’s. I got stung by a wasp and I didn’t feel I deserved it. I didn’t even know the nest was under the banister when I walked past. From that moment, I really didn’t wonder what it would look like if I actually did subdue the earth, rule over the fishes of the sea, the fowls of the air and all living creatures that move upon the earth. I was far too short-sighted for that.

You may have heard the phrase, “God said it. I believe it. That settles it.” I figured that if the Lord said it, I could do it. But, it wasn’t a matter of my power. It was a matter of God’s power. His reputation was at stake, not my own (as if I had one). And if we, Christians aren’t doing what Scripture says we can do, it’s on us. It’s because we don’t know who we are as His children.

God gives us everything we need to have as close a relationship with Him as Adam did before the fall. Baptism washes away Original Sin. After that, it’s choosing to change our misconceptions and misperceptions of who, after years of faulty parenting, secular education and unhealthy relationships, we have come to believe that God is.

It’s time to start the journey to find out Who God is and who we are to Him.

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