Naturally Supernatural Grace

Made in the image of God

 Now offering private personal intercessory sessions. Click Services for more information.

“And God created man to his own image: to the image of God He created them. And God blessed them, saying: increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and all living creatures that move upon the earth.” ~Genesis 1:26-28

There was nothing supernatural about it. But it would be a beginning.

I was about eight years old when I was walking home one day. Halfway between me and the corner stood a boy a few years older than me. He was headed in the same direction I was, but it wasn’t until I passed him that I realized why he stood, frozen in place. There was a dog at the corner. It was a face-off. The boy feared the menacing beast.

Having had dogs, and cats, all my life, I knew one couldn’t show fear to a dog, or they would know they’ve got the upper hand.

I maintained my pace and when I got close enough, I commanded the dog, “Go home!”

The dog turned and ran.

I didn’t think of this encounter as anything unusual or supernatural. I knew…


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Mysterious Ways

It has been almost 15 months since I came to take care of Terry. I never imagined I would be here this

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A Spiritual Sensitive?

I recently read an article, Exorcist Chat #206: Am I a Spiritual Sensitive? (, describing what a “spiritual sensitive” is. To another,

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Give It a Rest

I had just moved out of state and was trying to figure out a new daily routine having just added a new

Holy Spirit 101

This past weekend, I helped with a retreat called Holy Spirit 101. It is based on the book by the same title


During the COVID lock-down, I had signed up with a company that sold drop-ship websites. For the bargain price of $5000.00 they

Importance of Identity

In our training at Encounter Ministries, we are taught that in the study of psychology, each person’s identity comes from their father.

The First Time

The old country house had been abandoned for 12 years. The elderly man who had owned it left when his wife of

The Chosen

I’ve been watching—again—the recent hit series, The Chosen. I particularly enjoy how the writers/producers of the series have created stories around the

Conquer the wall

With the reversal of Roe v. Wade, I thought I would tell this story of a woman in an unknown country who

Is “tongues” Real?

This past week was the sixth anniversary of my Confirmation. Catholics in this country are usually Confirmed as a teenager, but somehow,

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A Good father

How many times do bad things happen and we wonder where was God and why did He let this happen to me?

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Feast or Fast

For those of us who call ourselves Catholic, today is Ash Wednesday—a fast day. Why? Today begins the season of Lent. Lent

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Explosion Imminent

1 Peter 5:8:  “Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” James

Go New Places

Go New Places

It’s going on a year since I’ve posted a blog. And quite a year it has been. Driving on the expressway, leaving

Philomena, Sasha and Pia

Philomena, Sasha and Pia Young people these days are quick to do everything with their phone, especially taking pictures. They take pictures

In My Weakness

I had spent the first week with Mary and Judith, the two Marian Catechists who introduced me to Cardinal Burke, and Fr.’s

What a Week!

I drove into La Crosse, WI to the Shrine of Guadalupe and what a beautiful shrine it is! Although beautiful is too

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My First Attempt

My health issues made moving quite a challenge. Fatigue limited what I was able to do, yet I was the only one

Lourdes Water Gift

I had been praying for a healing miracle for quite some time. Ask, seek, knock. Isn’t that what the scripture says. So

Is Yoga Safe?

Driving down the highway on a road-trip, my girlfriend and I got into a conversation about yoga. The subject can be somewhat

Spirit of Mammon

I turned into the upper middle-class neighborhood. Nice two-story houses with pristine lawns lined the clean streets. All very pleasant and respectable.
